3.nike music shoe
This shoes can detect the power and the motion you put on the shoes.
And the information become the controller of the mixer.
Therefore , people can play the music when they move.
Designer: HIFANA
Hifana (ハイファナ"South Winds" in the Okinawan dialect) is a Japanese breakbeat musical duo, composed of KEIZOmachine! (Keizo Fukuda) and Juicy (Jun Miyata). The group formed in 1998.
Hifana are notable for using a variety of devices and instruments, both in the studio, and during their live performances which they play without pre-recordings, including: turntables, Akai MPC sampler, Roland HandSonic (percussion multi-pad), DJM-909 battle mixer, DJM-800 mixer, and DVJ (DVD/CD) decks which they helped to develop with Pioneer, and a set of drums with timbales, cymbals, woodblocks and cowbells. They also spend many hours playing with pairs of asalato, a West African percussion instrument.